We all only get one body in our life time. So its important to treat it right by giving it the proper love and attention it needs. What do I mean by that? Well studies have shown that 95 million people in the country are obese, and 30 million of them have diabetes. On paper one could assume that 95 million United States citizens don’t take proper care of their body. However, there is a firm belief that of those millions of people, there are those than want lose that unwanted weight. The reasons range from wanting to improve health, self-esteem, fitting into old clothes, and so on. But its also known that more than 60% of the people that start their weight loss journey quit because the pounds aren’t sliding off as they initially desired. So we are going to list the reasons why this is happening.

Lack of Motivation

One of the most common reason is the just the lack or desire to get the job done. It sounds easy to make those drastic changes on order to reach those goals, but it’s harder than it looks to break those bad habits. A lot of those bad habits being in the kitchen. But in order to lose weight there has to be a mental engagement in the overall process. There has to be an understanding that this process takes time, whether how much or how little depends on the person. The “I’m gonna get to it tomorrow” syndrome cannot be a factor if the true goal is to lose weight and live a healthier life. Everyone has to become motivated in their own way, rather its watching motivation videos, daily quotes, starring into the mirror, or listening to a powerful song. Taking several of those methods and using them is one of the keys to losing weight.

To Many “Rewards”

Hitting the gym 4-5 times a week still does not guarantee you’ll the weight. There has to be a nutritional balance that takes place. Remember, there was a reason for the weight gain in the first place. There is nothing wrong with having a day to refeed the body in excess, but there has to be one dedicated day out of the week instead of multiple days and meals. What happens more commonly then not, is people will work out as hard as possible and feel the need to reward themselves with a quick snack. An unhealthy snack at that. Over time it causes the progress to remain at a standstill or even reverse entirely. The best way to combat this is to have a “cheat day” or a “cheat meal” on one of the rest days.

Not Enough Sleep

Rest is a key factor of weight loss. In fact, you don’t see the progress while working out or even at home. The changes to the body happen while your sleeping. Its recommended that you get at least 8-10 hours of sleep each night, however you can get by with 6-8. Also when the body is in recovery mode it allows for a smoother workout the next day. Normally lack of sleep equals grogginess and a heavy down-slope in overall performance. This can seriously mess up the weight loss progress as well as cause injury while working out. During our busy lives it is harder to get the right amount of sleep. If you know that you will be low on rest, it is recommended not to train that day. Allow your body the appropriate time to recover, it will thank you it.

Exercising the Wrong Way

Yes there is right and wrong way to workout. For example, if you’re trying to lose weight, then you wouldn’t do a power-lifting routine. It is optimal to train for the goal that is being reached. If weight loss is the goal, then short explosive movements would really benefit more than just even paced neutral movements. Even though both methods cause you to lose weight over time, training harder with dynamic movements are more efficient. There are various resources to get the proper training knowledge; blogs, personal trainers, online guides, and more. There is nothing wrong with using these if you don’t know the proper way to train for your goal.

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